... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Learning to Set Boundaries (1)

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Setting boundaries in our lives is incredibly important. Most arguments, most wars begin because someone’s stepped over someone else’s boundary. But not all boundaries are good boundaries. What we need is the wisdom to put the right boundaries in the right places with the right controls. So join Berni Dymet this week on as he takes a look at setting boundaries in your life … from A Different Perspective.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. The Importance of Boundaries

There’s nothing worse than when someone treads on your toes. You know, they get in your space, they tread on your toes and what you feel is something between discomfort, anger and fear. …

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Episode 2. The Boundary of the Heart

Now setting boundaries in our lives is incredibly important but not all boundaries are good boundaries. As things turn out we need to set the right boundaries in the right places and nowhere is that …

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Episode 3. The Boundary of the Mind

Your mind is an incredibly powerful thing, what we think often ends up becoming reality. If we think good things then we end up doing good things, if we think bad things we end up doing bad things. …

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Episode 4. The Boundary of the Truth

Truth is a concept which is very much up for grabs these days. I mean you’d think that truth is absolute like in a court of law, you examine the evidence and you come to the truth. But these …

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Episode 5. The Boundary of Behaviour

When we’re under pressure, one of the things that we love to do is to behave badly. In fact sometimes even when we’re not under pressure we still want to behave badly and don’t we …

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How do I close my heart. (ignore, rebuke, curse WHAT). It does my head in when people half answer things)

Maggie Scott

I have one friend who has set so many boundaries that it’s difficult to get close to je where, when and for how long we meet. She won’t give on anything I suggest. Every thing bad to be done her way. The result? I’ve given up and no longer see her. Bye bye controlling former friend


I would like to read the info as emails. Helpful topic.

Carole Mcintosh

As I age I set boundaries that I never thought that I was capable of. I guess girls were bought up to please in my day
I plan my week carefully. I’m able to decide what I need to do , some things I love like bible study , have some things I love to do for others. But I give myself time to pray and worship, time to read. I shut our a lot of noise
I’m much more content


Hi thanks for your help can you please tell me how can I put boundaries with a man that has an alcoholic problem thanks and god bless