... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Unlocking the Power of Prayer (Pt 1)

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It’s funny that survey after survey shows that 75% of all people have prayed in the last month. And yet most of them would never admit it. What’s prayer all about? I mean where does it fit in life and how do we make sense of it and does it work?Why don’t you join Berni Dymet this week as he takes a look at the power of prayer – from A Different Perspective.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Seek and Ye Shall Find

Prayer’s a funny thing – it’s talking to someone you can’t see or hear – at least not in the same way as we can see or hear the people around us. So – does it make sense? Join Berni, as …

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Episode 2. The Communication Gap

Communication between people – I mean real, meaningful communication is becoming harder to come by. Technology lets us be more connected – but somehow we communicate less. With people, and with …

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Episode 3. Ditching the Prayer Formula

So many people think that prayer is some kind of formula – if I apply the formula then I’ll get what I want. But what if someone communicated with us like that – wouldn’t we feel as though …

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Episode 4. Coming Just as We Are

Sometimes – we take a look in the mirror and think – God would never accept me. I mean – I can’t just wander up and pray to Him…nah – wouldn’t work. Join Berni, as he takes a look at …

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Episode 5. How Can I Pray

People talk about praying – but exactly how do we do that. I mean – do you just sit down and talk to God. Do you ask Him for stuff? What is prayer and how do you do it? Join Berni, as he takes a …

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Berni Dymet

Hi Fee, here is a response from Pastor Jim on our team.

We should always remember to treat God as a Person. That is, not as a created human person but as a person in whose image we are made (Gen 1:27). The key to a person is their will or the choices they make. God is known for the goodness of His choices. God (as a person) can be known and related to by another person such as we are. We can talk to God as person to person just as Jesus did in His prayer to the Father in John 17. Moses did the same (Exodus 33:11).

I have four examples in scripture of God listening and changing His mind:
1. Abraham argues with God over Sodom and the destruction of the wicked. Should the righteous be slain with the wicked? Abraham gets the number of righteous to save the group from 50 to 10 (Gen 18:22-33).
2. Moses intercedes before God’s anger and God relented (changed His mind) about destroying Israel (Exodus 32:7-14).
3. God looked for an intercessor – someone to plead the case before Him – but none was found (Isaiah 59:16).
4. God decides not to destroy Nineveh (Jonah 3:10).

The idea that God is a remote, unresponsive, impassive, self-serving monolith (piece of rock) is false theology. God, as revealed in Jesus Christ loves us, craves our fellowship, sends His own Son as a sacrifice for our sin and embraces us when we are least embraceable.

A more scriptural theology would be as follows:
– I can relate to God as person to person through Jesus Christ (John 17; Ephesians 3:12; Hebrews 4:16)
– God will listen and respond (Psalm 4, 39:12, 54:2, 61:1). The Psalms are all about interacting with God.
– What do I have the faith to plead with God about (Phil 4:6)?
– Will I enter intercessor mode and carry the intercession to its completion (Is 59:16)?
– Will I fight the good fight of faith (1 Tim 6:12)?
– I bless the Lord for His answer in changing both me and the circumstances for which I pray.

Yet God’s eternal purpose of original creation, final judgement and re-creation will prevail and I worship Him for that.
Whatever our human responses to the idea of God may be, I always need to come under the correction that scripture provides. Otherwise I invent my own god and get bushed in my own religion.

Bring your concern to God and learn to wrestle with Him in prevailing, faith-stretching, life-wrenching glory.

Fee Williamson

Thanks Berni, just wondering why we pray for something or someone if God doesn’t change His mind?