... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: A Peace Beyond All Understanding

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As we head into Christmas yet again, we’d all like to think that we have a pretty good life. That we have peace in our lives. But God knows that we can’t have that peace without Jesus – because until we accept Him as Lord, we’re living in

In this series of Christianityworks – A Peace Beyond All Understanding, Berni Dymet explores God’s Master Plan. A Plan that we call “Christmas”.

Episode 1. A Life of Peace

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Christmas is all about peace – it’s God’s declaration of peace towards us, after our rebellion against Him. But what does that actually mean, here and now, two thousand years on from that very …

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Episode 2. Turmoil and War

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It’s amazing how on the one hand, we head into Christmas wanting it to be full of peace and rest – yet so often, there’s turmoil…What’s going on.

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Episode 3. An Angry God

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We’d all kind of want to think of God as a loving, gentle God … and of course He is. But God is also a God of anger and ultimately of judgement.  And if we don’t get that, then the whole …

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Episode 4. God's Declaration of Peace

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Christmas is an amazing time – because it’s God’s declaration of peace.  Peace and goodwill available to us all for the taking.  But what does that mean?

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Karen Wilson

Thank you for your message of An Angry God. I am so grateful that God is an angry God, because that leads to repentance and a closer relationship with Him.
Last year I came out of a Domestic Violence relationship and was finally able to join a church. I was so excited. I joined a Life Group and couldn’t wait to share about some of the things that God has done in my life. (I was a Christian for 32 years.) There were strange things happening through this Life Group. One day God told me that I was a prodigal. I asked him why. He said that He showed me the signs that this wasn’t His church, even though they say that they are. He showed me the signs over 2 weeks. I left the Life Group and the church, and asked Him to forgive me. I now have peace, but still some effects of those people. God’s working it out with me. Praise God that Jesus came to die for us, and He is enough to cover all our sins.
But if God didn’t step in I would be lost, and with the spiritual problems I had in that church would have sent me straight to hell They were soul destroying.
Praise God for His anger, but also for His great grace and mercy demonstrated through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.