... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Walking in the Spirit

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Many people have heard the term “Walking in the Spirit”. That would be awesome wouldn’t it? I mean it sounds great. But exactly what does it mean to “walk in Spirit”? I mean, how does it actually happen in our lives? Those are questions that many a Christ–follower has. Somehow, we can come to the realisation that in the day to day reality of our lives, rather than walking in the Spirit, we seem perhaps to have walked away from the Spirit. In this series, Berni again goes to God’s Word – to show us not only that God means for each one of us to walk in the Spirit, but to uncover exactly how … right in the middle of the lives we each lead.

Episode 1. Taking That First Step

So many people wish that they could say they’re living their lives by walking in the Spirit. But that’s not really how their life works at all. In fact God often seems a million miles away. Well, …

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Episode 2. The Work of the Spirit

One of the things that we’re promised about Jesus is that when we let Him into our lives – He’ll sort the good from the bad – the wheat from the chaff in each one of us – and then burn the …

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Episode 3. Filled with the Spirit

One of the things that I’ve noticed is that I don’t have the strength, or the power in my own right to live the life that God wants me to. Have you noticed that too? We try … and we fail. What …

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Episode 4. The Sheer Wonder of God's Plan!

Each person who believes in Jesus has a battle going on inside. Between the desires of the flesh, and the work of the Holy Spirit. Each one. Sometimes we feel as though it’s a battle we’re …

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Thank you for this teaching. I’ve realised that although I know I have the Holy Spirit, I haven’t been yielding to Him in every area. I am still struggling with fear of man and also with fear of suffering. I am so glad to have found this clear teaching; I have focused a lot on salvation and what Jesus did for me in the cross, but not enough on the Holy Spirit and the opportunity to walk with Him daily and yield to Him in every area. If it is still available, please would you send me the Life Application booklet on Walking in the Spirit. Thanks again.

Berni Dymet

That’s awesome Bruce. May you enter into a powerful, intimate relationship with the Lord our God. Make sure you find yourself a dynamic, Bible believing church so that you can grow in your faith. And whatever you do, get yourself a contemporary Bible translation, and start reading it and praying every day. You will go from strength to strength. -Berni@CW

Bruce Noel Gilbert

Dear Berni,
God Bless You & your ministry “ChristianityWorks”. I just tried to download a copy of “Taking the first step” & when I clicked on , it did not download, but opened an audio player instead?! I then Right-clicked on & chose “Save link as…” from the menu & it downloaded ok.
In case it matters, I am not using Window$, but am using the “OpenBSD” Operating System, with “Mozilla Firefox” as my web-browser.
‘b’ye! – Bruce Noel Gilbert.

Bruce Noel Gilbert

Thank you for this challenging podcast Bernie! I have accepted the challenge & prayed that prayer inviting God into my life, no matter what happens. I had suffered much previously in my life & I guess it it the fear of suffering more, that put me off truly opening up to God’s Holy Spirit – in a way that, although I have greatly desired it – I have never done before. Now I will ‘wait upon the Lord’ – no matter how long it takes, nor WHAT it takes for Him to mould me & get me to where He wants me to be, in Him. Thank you again & I look forward to receiving the the ebook.

‘b’ye! – Bruce.