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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

A Carpenter Called Adam

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Exodus 20:17 You must not want to take your neighbour’s house. You must not want his wife. And you must not want his men and women servants or his cattle or his donkeys. You must not want to take anything that belongs to another person.

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Invariably, when we start comparing ourselves with the people around us, in our minds at least, we end up coming off second best. We can never be as good as them … but you have to ask yourself, were we ever meant to be?

A little while back, I had Adam the carpenter fixing a few bits and pieces around the house. (I’m the un-handiest handy man you’ll ever meet!)

Now, under the sink, we had one of those sliding towel racks that wasn’t sliding all that well. So I asked him to take a look at it, and in less than three minutes he had it working like a charm. Unbelievable. I’d been fiddling with it for days. I just could never have done what he did!

But then Adam probably can’t do the things I can do either, so you have to ask yourself, “What’s the point of comparing?”

And yet, comparing ourselves with others is trap that we can all fall into.

How other people look, or what they have or earn, or how wonderful their life seems to be. And without realising it we kind of grumble away in our hearts. Pretty much all of us have heard of the Ten Commandments, and Number ten of ten goes like this:

Exodus 20:17 You must not want to take your neighbour’s house. You must not want his wife. And you must not want his men and women servants or his cattle or his donkeys. You must not want to take anything that belongs to another person.

Perhaps you or I wouldn’t have put that one in our top ten. But then you stop and think about it and it makes a lot of sense, because the desire to have what belongs to someone else is where much of the evil in this world comes from.

Stop comparing yourself.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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This is such a good message and so inspirational, thank you so much 🙌🙌

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