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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

A Foot in Both Camps

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1 Kings 18:21 Elijah came to all the people and said, “You must decide what you are going to do. How long will you keep jumping from one side to the other? If the Lord is the true God, follow him. But if Baal is the true God, then follow him!” The people said nothing.

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Sometimes we want the best of both worlds, so we try to live life with a foot in both camps. Not only does it not work particularly well, but it definitely gets God’s attention. Let me explain.

God’s created this amazing, fantastic world with so many things worth enjoying. Of course, that was always His plan. And yet, it’s so easy to wander off and get caught up in this or in that … in career, success, wealth, whatever. You know how it goes.

God? Well, yeah … I guess … I still believe in Jesus. Yeah … but you know how it goes.

There was a time when God’s chosen people, Israel, were living like that. So God sent a long drought to get their attention amongst all of life’s little distractions. And in the middle of the drought, God asks them this question through His Prophet Elijah:

1 Kings 18:21 Elijah came to all the people and said, “You must decide what you are going to do. How long will you keep jumping from one side to the other? If the Lord is the true God, follow him. But if Baal is the true God, then follow him!” The people said nothing.

That’s not a bad question to ask. How long are you going to try to live with a foot in both camps, flip-flopping between chasing after all that this world has to offer, and staying faithful to God?

Don’t misunderstand what God is saying here. There’s nothing wrong with being successful. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying that which God has given you to enjoy. But when we turn those things into idols, when we put them ahead of God, that’s when the problems begin.

You must decide what you are going to do.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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