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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Unending Love

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Lamentations 3:22-24 We are still alive because the LORD's faithful love never ends. Every morning he shows it in new ways! LORD, you are so very true and loyal! I say to myself, "The LORD is my God, and I trust him."

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When things aren’t turning out in your life the way you’d planned, the way you’d hoped, how do you react? How do you respond to God? What does it do, to your faith in Him, hmm?

Sometimes life – the weight of it all, the pressures on every side, the stress that you’re under – it can all seem too much.

Have you ever gone to bed wondering exactly how you’re going to make it through the night, how you’re going to face the next day? And to make things worse, when you’re in that place, your faith in God feels so … inadequate, doesn’t it?

There’s a book back in the Old Testament called the Book of Lamentations. As the name suggests, it’s a lament. Jeremiah, the man who wrote it, is looking around at the devastation caused when the Babylonians came and destroyed Jerusalem and carried its inhabitants – allegedly God’s “chosen people” – off into captivity and slavery.

The dust, the ashes, the ruin, the terrible loss, the regret, the pain … it can look a bit like that when we survey our own lives sometimes. And yet, just when the night is at its darkest, a gleam appears in Jeremiah’s heart and the sun rises to a new dawn.

Lamentations 3:22-24 We are still alive because the LORD’s faithful love never ends. Every morning he shows it in new ways! LORD, you are so very true and loyal! I say to myself, “The LORD is my God, and I trust him.”

Listen to me: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They’re new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. So, whatever you’re going through just at the moment, remember that in the midst of the darkest of nights, you can boldly proclaim: The LORD is my God, and I trust in him.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Janelle Borg

Very good n so encouraging as its true

Rosemary Davidson

Thank You Berni from Christianity Works for your strengthening ministry to us all. All of us find occasions when we feel very sad, angry with an injustice, a hurt from someones unkind opinions which becomes so heavy if they add friends names to their opinion. We feel stripped of our own self-worth, and it is only when we run to our Father God our Abba Father and talk to Him about our pain that we begin to heal and take a breath and realize that He is not condemning us. I share with trusted confidential people who are a huge encouragement, support and help, especially if they are gifted with discernment of the Word. Sometimes the pain is caused by a death or great loss or accident which was not expected, then it is a savage threat to our faith. It is then we remember God’s promises, that “He will never leave nor forsake us.” That He loves us and will provide his provision and comfort for us. We need to learn to wait upon God and trust in Him to work it for good as we love and believe in Him.Pray, thank and praise God for being in charge and Sovereign over all, We can pray in the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour, God bless and strengthen our faith.

Rachael B

It almost seems like these words were written for me today.
Thank you and thanks to God.

Louise Tweedale

Good morning Berni and Christianityworks, Well it’s been six months since my husband died and now I seem sadder then I was when I heard his last breath. He has gone on without me. I look forward to this e-devotional every morning.

Anda Matutu

Well of course we would sort of be kind of angry asking God why are you letting this happen you know I worked hard to get this,that’s only because we’re only human and we aren’t on that final spiritual level with God where we can fully understand his ways and be patient. But sometimes it’s a test to see if you’ll keep your promise that you’ll worship him during the bad times too. So show God that you will keep your promise and everything happens for a reason and all he does is for your own good.

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