... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Pray for the 'Abundant Life' Appeal Need to be Met

June Prayer Focus

June is one of the most important months of the year, because it’s the month when traditionally the friends and supporters of Christianityworks give over one third of all donations for the year.  

And without a generous outpouring, we simply won’t be able to keep on reaching so many people around the globe, week after week, month after month, with the Good News of Jesus … 

So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him. (Hebrews 9:28)

That’s Good News, Stunning News, that everyone needs to hear so please pray with us today that many more lives will be transformed by the grace of God in Jesus Christ, as we proclaim Him together through the media, around the globe.

Here are some specific prayer points to help you pray:

      • Pray for God to move mightily in the hearts of His people to bring a generous outpouring of support this month, so that the urgent Abundant Life need would be met by June 30. Our trust is always in God Himself to provide for the ministry of Christianityworks and that’s something that He does through His people. May He meet our every need that many, many … many more would receive Jesus into their hearts. 
      • Pray for those friends of Christianityworks who are struggling at this time – those who can’t give, those who don’t even have enough to meet their own needs. May the Lord our God provide for them in the most miraculous of ways; in ways where they know very clearly that He stepped in for them; in ways that will fill their hearts with joy; in ways that will bring Him all the glory.
      • Pray for Christianityworks’ radio and television producers Max and Morna Harding in Australia, and Andrew and Karen Whitely in the UK as they work hard to deliver high quality Bible teaching content to radio and television networks around the globe. May the Lord bless them and protect them, In Jesus’ mighty name.
      • Pray for guidance and wisdom for the members of the Board of Christianityworks as they meet together this month to consider the ministry’s key priorities and budget for the upcoming financial year commencing July 1. May the Lord truly be in their midst and give them a spirit of discernment in charting the course ahead. ..
      • Pray for the many persecuted believers who will hear the Good News of Jesus in secret, through Christianityworks’ radio, television and digital broadcasts. May they be encouraged and strengthened in their faith as the Holy Spirit pours out God’s love deep within their hearts. May the Lord protect them and give them peace.
      • And as always please, continue to pray the prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10) again and again over Christianityworks …
        Oh Lord, that you would bless us indeed … with Your supernatural blessings, far beyond our expectations and natural abilities.
        That you would enlarge our territory … giving us more capacity, reach and impact, that more lives would be saved + transformed.
        That your mighty hand would be with us … so we would be wholly dependent on you, on your touch of greatness, not on ourselves.
        That you would keep us from evil that we would cause no pain … so that in holiness + love in all that we do, the name of Jesus would be glorified.

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