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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Can You Be Trusted?

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Proverbs 28:20 People who can be trusted will have many blessings, but those who are just trying to get rich in a hurry will be punished.

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Could I ask you a somewhat awkward question today? Can you be trusted? And perhaps, more importantly, can your family trust you? Can they rely on you? Are you there, or are you too busy?

The biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my life is being too busy for my family; too focussed on my career; too driven to make money; too busy to be bothered with the minutia of day-to-day family life. It cost me my first marriage. It dumped a world of pain on my children.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I see way too many people, men and women, so driven by worldly success that they’re too busy to invest in the most important people in the world – their family.

In short, they can’t be trusted to be the husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter … that God intended for them to be. And that one thing, I’m telling you, is tearing so many families apart.

Proverbs 28:20 People who can be trusted will have many blessings, but those who are just trying to get rich in a hurry will be punished.

Don’t get me wrong – hard work is a good thing. The verse immediately before that one says this:

Proverbs 28:19 Whoever works hard will have plenty to eat, but whoever wastes their time with dreams will always be poor.

But when work and wealth bubble to the top of our priorities, our family can no longer trust us. The man or woman in a hurry to get rich will miss out on the blessings of family love, and experience the consequences.

Don’t be that man. Don’t be that woman.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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