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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Nothing More, Nothing Less

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2 Corinthians 3:4,5 We can say this, because through Christ we feel sure before God. I don’t mean that we are able to do anything good ourselves. It is God who makes us able to do all that we do.

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We all know people who are full of themselves, who think they’re God’s gift to the universe. And then there are those who underachieve because they don’t have enough confidence in their abilities. So, what’s the answer here?

It’s quite a dilemma. At one end of the scale lies arrogance and pride, at the other, low self-esteem and underachievement. And then there are those who seem to get the balance right, living effective lives that impact the world around them. So how do you get the balance right?

2 Corinthians 3:4,5 We can say this, because through Christ we feel sure before God. I don’t mean that we are able to do anything good ourselves. It is God who makes us able to do all that we do.

Paul’s writing here about the impact of his own ministry. Now, when you’re commending yourself and your work, it doesn’t do to be arrogant. And indeed he’s not, because his confidence is in God and the abilities that God’s given him, not in himself.

This is about sober-minded judgement. The truth is that God’s given each one of us gifts and abilities to do things for Him. Arrogance is when we act as though those gifts and abilities are ours – that somehow we’re more virtuous because we have them.

At the other end of the scale there are those who downplay their God-given gifts, who deny their divinely appointed abilities.

Paul knew that anything good, anything that would have an eternal impact in the lives of others, didn’t come from him but from God, because …

It is God who makes us able to do all that we do.

So do what God’s enabled you to do. Nothing more, nothing less.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Standing up for ones self in the midst of being attacked and submerged under all the rocks and debris called psychosis analysis and a disorientated assumption and an hallucinating theory and a whole lot of confusion swept in and a crowd of haters who despise a person who is not submitting to a mentally ill act and proposal but who instead chooses God over all the other enticements of life that are not sober or sound and perhaps not as alert in mind or thought either by fact .
It’s a very obscured world for when a person has a gift from God that is classified by some and the majority living on a small small Island to be a schizophrenia or some other form of disorientated delusional way,
You know what it says in the Bible clearly that
God, who at various TIMES and in various WAYS spoke in time past to the fathers by the PROPHETS, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds ;
(HEBREWS 1:1-2)
God’s word is spoken to us and heard by us in various ways and it’s through Jesus that we HEAR Him and not like in the days of MOSES.

It’s very cruel to call a woman mentally ill for having a gift of prophecy.
It’s cruel as cruel to deny a woman’s truth regarding violence against her by man.
It’s even more cruel to form large mobs and design all kinds of mentally ill attacks on her and try to force her to hear them and to become distracted by them just so they can have a psychotic treatment order imposed upon her because their hidden and unseen minded attacks can be heard and once upon a time she did get confused but not now ,
Not now that God she has taken her heart and heard Him through her cries and put trust in Him.

Some people’s gifts give them the ability to HEAR and sometimes the world like to try and garnish a woman’s intelligence and insights and wealth and manipulate and control her with all kinds of mentally ill propaganda and it takes STRENGTH to stand up and tell the world where to go because tea indeed she can hear their incessant voices of agenda and attack but she chooses to remain steadfast and immovable in her faith following Jesus .
It’s very very difficult to prove a gift of psychic vision.
It’s extremely difficult to continue on in faith when the WORLD stands against and will not accept a Woman’s gift of CLEAR HEARING .
It takes a CLEAR CONSCIENCE to be able to hold on to and maintain a gift that hears many and to BALANCE surrounded by HATERS.
I hear so much and I have learnt DISCERNMENT on the inside for God took up my case !!
I cannot control the MOB OF BULLIES who continue to deny my truth but God is in control and I am definitely not full of self pride or being arrogant nor am I puffed up in self importance.
This is serious and by my voicing up about this WILL HELP SAVE LIVES.
Because a person who is SPIRITUAL when forced to take drugs like anti psychotic medication.
The disablement of our gift is bad and it leads to apathy and loss of ones protective ego.
Help save our SOULS.
Don’t allow the SYSTEM to call us gluttons of self pride for standing up against the BILL and the mentally ill diagnostics for being gifted with Clear Hearing and we need Jesus to stabilise our gift because otherwise people do ‘get in’ and it’s especially difficult for women who have been raped and their attacking men get a not guilty verdict because they are set free to rape our minds and to deny us our supernatural lives given to us from God.
DON’T continue to let people accuse a woman of being psychotic or disorientated or delusional and use lots of people to try and form a plot win or take over .
Take back Gods given power and make way for the LORD and prophecy is real it’s a gift to serve and not to be alienated behind a wall of haters who are indeed puffed up on self importance and too arrogant to admit that they made an error in judgment !!
Turning the tables .
In Jesus name Amen.

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